From the Co-Editor-in-Chiefs - JinWoo Ahn and Sheldon Williamson

Dear Readers,

The world is closer day by day with the advances in transportation and, it results in widely diverse cultures and diseases.  The fast spread of Covid 19 is a side effect of this global village, however, science and modern bioengineering are making it possible to overcome and expected to meet the endemic soon.

The aim of TEC eNewletter is to introduce all core technologies of transportation electrification which are hot issues in academia and industry.  During this year, we plan to focus on specific topics, for example, electrified mass transportation in June, batteries in September as well as news and advances in transportation and electrification.  The TEC Newsletter is also one of the possible ways to share up to date information as it covers all transportation electrification technologies including Terrestrial (land-based), Nautical (Ocean, lakes, and bodies of water), Aeronautical (Air and Space), and Commercial-Manufacturing and we also try to introduce regional news.

On behalf of the Editorial Board, we would like to thank our contributors for their efforts and hope our readers continue to find useful and interesting information in the IEEE TEC Newsletter.  Our readers are invited to submit their quality works to the Newsletter.  We would be delighted to introduce your original articles, for any queries and/or suggestions, please reach out to the IEEE TEC’s “expert” Project Manager, Alicia Tomaszewski (, Alicia almost always responds promptly to your queries.

Finally, I am happy to announce to the readers and authors that articles in the eNewsletter will be listed in IEEE Xplore later this year. 

Stay Safe & Best Wishes,
Jin-Woo Ahn and Sheldon Williamson
Co-Editors-in-Chief, IEEE TEC Newsletter

About the Newsletter


Jin-Woo Ahn


Sheldon Williamson

TEC Call for Articles 2023 - Advances in Charging Systems

The TEC eNewsletter is now being indexed by Google Scholar and peer-reviewed articles are being submitted to IEEE Xplore.

To submit an article click here.